Saturday, November 24, 2018

Cosplay: Art and Culture Exhibition 2018


Sometimes you just need a break. My friend needs to take a break from his stuff, and I need to take a break from Pokémon training. So then there's this theme event. It's kind of odd, but familiar too.

My friend tells me that this theme event pops up every now and then, and it's a way for some students to show off what they like about some groups of people. That happens to include characters like me. The ones that had to come today are to perform on stage, but that doesn't stop other characters like me from coming and having some fun. That's the way it has been since a few years ago, when my friend started to send me to events and conventions like and including this one.

There were no competitions - at least, not for us - so I came as I am. I was sent with my Kalos outfit, which is fine, because I and my friend couldn't and didn't want to prepare much for the event. And it shows - most of the stands were food stands anyway, along with the stage performances. A few other characters came, so I wasn't totally alone, and I was glad.

Pikachu: Pika pi! Pika pika chu? [inquisitive]

Oh yeah, how'd you like the performances, Pikachu? There were Pyroar dancing, the group of characters that performed on stage, and some really rockin' bands. There was also a fashion show, but I can't help but think some of the people in it look like characters that I know - maybe I should have been in it. They're all still awesome with what the people do. I think all this has been great fun for today. But what do you think?

Pikachu: Pika chu! [approves]

I'm glad - it's what we came for, right? My friend sent us here for a good time, and we had some of that. Even if in the beginning it looked dicey, and the rain was really heavy in the afternoon, the theme event turned out to be great - maybe this time is even the best for this event. That's a good thing, so we had a good break too.

OK, the break's over. Now we've gotta get back to doing what we've gotta be doing.


One year ago: Catching Them All

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