Saturday, September 29, 2018

A Merchandise Dream

It seems it's been a while since I had a Pokémon-related dream. When I dream, I do so vividly, whether for a realistic setting (as in a particular cosplay dream) or an animated one (as in one that involved Ash). Last night, I had a Pokémon dream which happened to be of the first kind. And true to the title of this post, it did involve some kind of Pokémon merchandise.

In the dream, I was going around my neighborhood, and as I did so, I received a Pokémon container as a gift. This would have been great, if it weren't for one thing: the container was badly smashed, but somehow it still held up well. I tried to exchange the container for one that wasn't (as badly) smashed, but I couldn't. I simply ended up with the container for the rest of the dream, after which I awoke and immediately noted the dream so that I could write about it on this blog.

I have to say, the container in the dream didn't seem too special; it seemed like a typical plastic container with Pokémon graphics placed on it, which I'd be happy to create myself given the resources. Perhaps what is important is the symbolism of the container. Given that it is "badly smashed", it indicates how much has gone on with Pokémon, but the fact that it held up well means the same for Pokémon. On the other hand, it could mean that the container wasn't smashed at all - it was just made to look that way. It might represent an illusion some people have about Pokémon.

This dream seems fascinating enough. Compared to the other dreams I've covered here, it's not just entertaining. It seems to be offering a fairly symbolic statement about Pokémon, which admittedly does involve some interpretation, but it's a statement nonetheless. In regard to it, I'm sure that I will continue to like Pokémon no matter what going into the future. And as long as I do that, I'm positive I will keep dreaming dreams just like this one.

One year ago: Unified Centers and Marts

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