Tuesday, April 17, 2018

And Again, I Dream

It seems every so often I have a Pokémon dream; I had one half a year ago and another three months before that. It's understandable; after all, I'm a big Pokémon fan, so there's a good chance that my thoughts on Pokémon pervade even into my dreams. And last night, I had one such dream, again. And yet again, it involves Ash and an odd story. Even odder than that is that the dream seems to be connected to the real world in a way.

Now for the dream. I dreamed that I became Ash's doppelganger in a different outfit, and I was meeting Ash himself. It was as if there was supposed to be two Ash within the dream. I was wearing his Hoenn outfit, and he was wearing his Sinnoh one. We were to meet in a place that remarkably looked like one of the sides of the place in my locale where the Ex-Raids are usually held. If you think there might be a Pokémon Go connection, you might be right, for the intent after that is that we're to be going around town and catching Pokémon, much like how things roll in the game.

What is perhaps the most memorable (and surreal) part of the dream is that we were also taking selfies with a phone - my phone, to be exact. We were having such a good time partaking in this activity that I thought I actually had the selfies on my phone. So when I woke up and realized what had transpired, I went to my phone to check, and sure enough, they weren't there. It was still a fanciful thought, and it may have come about by the selfies I and some cosplayers took during events or conventions. I do somewhat wish that it had happened for real.

This dream is just one of many of mine that are related to Pokémon. This one in particular seems to mash up elements from the games, anime, and even cosplay, all of which I take interest in when it comes to Pokémon. The fact that I wish that some of it were true, however surreal it might be, tells me that I still maintain a great interest in certain Pokémon things. And that's a good thing for me; it's something I wish to carry on for a good amount of time, perhaps enough to spur other dreams in the meantime.

One year ago: We're All Tied to Pokémon

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