Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Let's Talk About Grievances

Me: I already knew about what I wanted to discuss today, but I almost didn't know how to address it... until I thought of you and how we did things last month. I feel it's appropriate that we do the same, while there is still nothing to send you to.

Ash: All right. I sense it's going to be hard and weighty this time.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["Me too."]

Me: Yes. So today I want to discuss about some grievances - one of mine, and I'd like to balance it with one of yours.

Ash: I think I can tell. It must be the things that happened a year ago. There were a lot of good things, but... I know you had your happenings, and you were really down about them when you discussed them exactly a year ago.

Me: Yes, it was painful (see below). What happened over the four days last year was actually quite more painful than what I've explained over the four posts for them, which is why I relished coming back to this day a year after things had passed.

Ash: The tournament from one year and two days ago was great, though. But I sensed that you couldn't get me properly set up.

Me: Indeed. I spent the day before exactly for that purpose. But then things were so close and yet so far.

Pikachu: Pika pika... ["Ouch..."]

Ash: Again, it was a miracle that you did somehow get me there to take on the others, even if we only made it in the middle in the actual tournament. You still have to be proud that you got me the third place in the character competition.

Me: Yes, that is fully true. But then the next day...

Ash: Oh yes, that was a mess even with the good things they had. I have to say that I may have made it even more of a mess.

Me: As if the event wasn't already something too much and too messy to begin with, even the year before and at times in the past. I hope that a good concept or two might replace it for all aspects, including tradition and pop culture. There is enough time to think about things until the current situation is resolved.

Ash: It becomes bittersweet for all of us. We all have something to think about.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika. ["Maybe a lot."]

Me: Speaking of thinking about things, have you ever thought about Charizard, especially the one of yours? I know that had been a grievance at times.

Ash: Things were good when mine was still a Charmander, but then it got real weird. I sometimes feel sad about that.

Me: I'm sure you had been really dejected when your Charizard cost you that-

Ash: I know. It's behind me - and us - now.

Pikachu: Pika chu. Pika pika. ["It has happened. It's done."]

Me: You have to admit that things got good, even better, after a while. Charizard went from being a thorn in your side to one of your superstar Pokémon.

Ash: That is so true. But then Charizard could be better, so that's why I left Charizard in that valley. I didn't want to do it, but it had to be done.

Me: I can sense it, the look on your face when things happened.

Ash: I know, I know. But when Charizard helped me out with the Entei thing, that was great.

Me: It's unlike the other one that cost you-

Ash: *sigh* I'm not sure if I can talk about that one further.

Pikachu: Pika pika pika... ["No more..."]

Me: I think before things get out of hand, it may be time to finish this discussion. So we both have our grievances about things that have gone by, and... they've gone by. There are more things to be had beyond them.

Ash: Yes, you're right. Sometimes we may have to think about them, but other times they might just get in the way. The proof is that really good things happened afterwards. We can always turn bad times into good ones later.

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["I agree."]

Me: With that, I think I'm already seeing good (and not sad) things for you, me, and Pokémon.

Ash: You bet. Now we'll need to take them all in.

One year ago: The Show Must Go On
Two years ago: Jumping the 'Karp
Three years ago: Married... to Pikachu?

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