Sunday, June 23, 2019

Cosplay: ENNICHISAI 2019 + CLAS:H/ICGP Nationals

Me: Don't get too relaxed from yesterday's tournament, because I've got this one from last year for you too.

Ash: Oh yeah! It's so great they're on the same weekend.

Pikachu: Pika! [enthusiastic]

Me: As always, this event has a lot of things to show off. But that means it draws a lot of people from everywhere, including us.

Ash: I know! It was a sea of people last year, and this year it's the same - maybe more! I can't Surf through it.

Me: But you still managed to have some fun, right? What happened this time?

Ash: I met a person at the start of today. We got along, so we became buddies for the day. That's fun for us.

Me: It has to be. Having a buddy or "assistant" is quite useful. It helps to keep one's pace.

Ash: The entertainment is neat and it's not all on the same stage. So I can check out one and then move again if I'm not interested.

Me: But then there's the sea of people, right?

Pikachu: Pika!!! [frustrated]

Ash: Yeah, there's that. And it was hot too! Groudon may have been somewhere near.

Me: That didn't stop people from coming, though.

Ash: Yeah, and hey, I got you in the character parade!

Me: That's something that's always there, so that's absolute. How'd that go?

Ash: I guess it wasn't our day - the judges didn't pick me as a favorite. 

Me: With hundreds of participants, that seems to be mostly the case.

Ash: Hmm, right. Oh yeah, I saw some of your character friends in the national competition. They were really great on stage! I wish I could be up there, but you know how we are.

Me: That's true. Any other interesting things?

Ash: I met Red, but he didn't bring a Pokémon.

Me: Oh wow! That has to be a sight. Don't you love it when that happens?

Ash: Sure! I also met someone who played Pokémon music for me.

Me: That too just had to be heard. By the way, I have some bad news. I'm afraid this edition may be the last for now. As you saw, it's just too much year after year, and that's a problem. The people who run it plan to rethink the concept, but it may take some time.

Pikachu: Pika pika... [dejected]

Ash: Oh no! Well, it seems like even you and I had problems, just by coming here! Maybe we can think about coming really far away like this next time?

Me: I think we really have to. There are some heavy things on my mind.

One year ago: Gym Rework, One Year Later
Two years ago: Pokémon Go Gym Rework

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