Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A Noble Mission

During the press conference from last Wednesday, I found something fascinating. To that end, I've included it here in the form of a screen capture of the relevant point:

If you happen to be unable to see images for some reason, the image contains words, which I restate below, verbatim:
The Pokémon Company's mission statement is to enrich both the real world and the virtual world with the Pokémon characters.
This is a powerful message that The Pokémon Company (TPC hereinafter) is sending out. It means that the ultimate objective of TPC is to want to fill the world, whichever one it may be, with as much Pokémon as possible. I consider this mission to be a noble one. Moreover, I feel that as a Pokémon fan, I have a role to play in this mission.

Something that makes this a noble mission is that it has been elegantly done. Pokémon has gone from being games that only some people may play to something that all people may enjoy. The gradual expansion that has taken place has left a mark on many people, who then become fans in some manner. Enjoyment also contributes to the nobleness, as it helps fans stay fans and others get a sense of the world of Pokémon. As well, the expansion has been all-encompassing, with something for everyone to enjoy, not necessarily just one thing for one group. Elegant, enjoyable, all-encompassing... I'd say that's noble, especially if it continues to be so for this mission.

As for myself, I consider my role as being someone who "enlightens" or sheds light on what is there to enjoy about it. That's something that becomes the aim of all posts on this blog, with the hope that people may be able to perceive and enjoy Pokémon in different ways as I have done. With that role, I have to allow myself to understand as much as I can, which means playing as many of the games as possible, watch many Pokémon features, read many Pokémon things, and so on and so forth. This may then lead to further and greater opportunities for understanding for myself and all other fans. Considering the mission, I have an assistive role as well, which with the above has to be noble as well.

I'm personally taken with this mission statement by the TPC. It is evidently something that has been truly done, based on everything Pokémon that I've seen. There's an astounding presence in the virtual realm as well as a vivid presence in the real realm. To want to augment that presence for any and all people is a great thing. To be able to assist and contribute to that process is a great thing as well. With these things considered, the mission presents itself to be a noble one indeed.

One year ago: Keeping It Free... or Augmenting It
Two years ago: Ball Redesign?

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