Saturday, June 22, 2019

Tournament+Cosplay: Club 40 Indonesia Tournament

No, you're not seeing double. This event involves both tournament and cosplay. For that...

Me: OK, so this is a really big Pokémon tournament, and I've decided to send you, and Pikachu as well.

Ash: Wow! I like this one! Pikachu, we need to give it our best for this one.

Pikachu: Pika pika!!! [energetic]

Ash: What have you got for me?

Me: The tournament is a Pokémon Go PvP tournament with the Rainbow theme, and I've prepared a team for you, at least what I can muster for it.

Ash: Sure, I'll be happy to work with it. What about the character thing?

Me: That's the interesting part. The character competition is during the tournament, to see who has the best characters as they battle. What's more, there's a buddy competition for you, Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika pi! Pika pika! [with excitement]

Me: That one is about the one who has the best buddy Pokémon with them as they battle. Neat, huh? And since you two are together, it works out!

Ash: That's really nice! I'm thrilled, and so is Pikachu!

Me: Yeah, so am I! The only problem is that this one is really, really far away, and... I'm sorry to say that I had a bunch of problems in sending you, and I almost couldn't. I... I... [sob]

Ash: I know how you feel. Life as a Pokémon Trainer is hard, especially the way you are with all the things you need to do. I guess it's a miracle that you were able to still do it for me.

Pikachu: Pi, pika. [consoling]

Me: Thank you. Pokémon means a lot for the both of us, and I think you would agree. OK, so this tournament drew lots of participants. 400+ said they were interested, but only 280 ended up actually coming.

Ash: Yeah! I saw. It was a lot of people for Pokémon. I think you'd be surprised.

Me: I already am! Now, the impetus for this tournament could be said to be because of the coming of a certain guy named Brandon Tan, the world's number one Pokémon Go player. I'm told he's a great guy.

Ash: He is!

Me: Whoaaa!!! He has further plans - which I'll discuss later on - but this is incredible! Thank you!!

Ash: No problem! Everything is good for everyone who likes Pokémon, right?

Me: You bet! For this one, a few of my raid fellows and associates came as well. I originally didn't care, but then I found out about the character competition, so I just had to send you in. I really wouldn't have otherwise.

Ash: Well, sure! I'm sure you would like to find out how I did with the Pokémon you gave me, right?

Me: That's an absolute thing.

Ash: So for the first three battles, I lost. And then I won my fourth and sixth, and the other Trainer wasn't there for the fifth. Then I lost the two next ones, and the other Trainer had problems. Oh yeah, one of my battles was shown on a screen - that was fun for everyone to see.

Me: Four wins (two by forfeit) and five losses. That's OK, and at least there are two legitimate wins, more than even in my local tournament. It's a bit of an improvement. And I love that that happened.

Ash: And you'll like this one: third place for the character competition!

Me: YAY!

Pikachu: Pika pika pika!!! [exhilarated]

Me: Well, I guess it's not too bad.

Ash: Pikachu didn't win the buddy competition. The ones who won look good, and Pikachu is, well... Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pi. [firmly]

Me: That's OK too. After having what was one of my worst days, this is a relief. More on this soon. I guess this was a good day and a good tournament.

Ash: Yeah! You have to see if you can send me again.

Pikachu: Pika! [interrupting]

Ash: Yeah, Pikachu too.

Me: No promises, but it may just happen. This tournament is quite promising, though, as a step to even bigger ones. The people here can't thank Brandon Tan enough, and we all appreciate his coming.

Ash: Me too!

Me: I'm sure the future of these tournaments look bright, and so does my future.

One year ago: Food Chain Axioms
Two years ago: Technology, Good and Evil

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