Friday, June 22, 2018

Food Chain Axioms

In the real world, there are food chains that determine what organisms eat what. In the world of Pokémon, there coexist humans and creatures, which do have parallels to the real world. If so, then it is most likely that there are food chains as well - and it seems to be so. If the Pokédex text and certain games are to be believed, then they indicate certain relationships within these food chains. These relationships can be summed up in three axioms, which have been theorized by a fellow Pokémon fan:

People eat Pokémon. The thought of people eating Pokémon may seem outlandish until it is considered that some Pokémon do resemble real-world animals often harvested for meat - Miltank (cattle), Combusken (chicken), and Grumpig (pig) to name a few. It is not hard to think that the situation is quite similar, even if it's never actually heard of.

Pokémon eat people. Despite the fact that the word "Pokémon" is partially derived from "monster", a good number is not monster-like, but quite a few are. The situation that a Gyarados could attack and devour a person, as depicted in the early loading screen for Pokémon Go, could plausibly occur as wild animals in the real world could also attack and devour people.

Pokémon eat other Pokémon. It can be expected too that Pokémon eat others of their own in predator-prey relationships. An example cited in the Pokédex is Pidgeotto eating Magikarp, as the latter makes effective targets for the former due to their relative lack of defense and weakness. Some Pokémon (notably Sneasel) have also been cited to even steal and eat Eggs of others, in an extreme case.

It should be noted that the fact that situations like these are relatively unheard of may be because they represent a less glamorous side of the Pokémon world, no matter how apparently true they may be. No one really wants to hear about things like these and everyone prefers to stay happy with Pokémon. That is certainly something anyone is entitled to, even children who do enjoy this great big world.

Regardless, these axioms seem to be a fairly accurate picture of how things work out among the people and creatures of Pokémon. It's just how things would work, given how they parallel the real world. People and Pokémon need to eat one way or another, and both of them may just get caught up within the dynamics of interactions of eating and being eaten.

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