Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Losing Touch and Keeping in Touch

Earlier today, I had stopped by a place where I could do many things with friends - which may or may not be related to Pokémon - but surprisingly, I was not able to meet the friends I knew I could usually meet there. A little later on, however, I was able to meet a few of my raid group fellows for an opportune raid nearby; the meeting was enhanced by a more or less successful raid. This got me to thinking about relating to friends or the loss of such relations, especially with regard to Pokémon.

In a way, this post could be considered an extended version of a post I made one year ago on the coming and going of Pokémon friends, but the focus is more on maintaining communication (or the failure to do so) with them. This becomes an even more relevant matter given that recently a special time had passed for which communication among people, including and beyond friends, becomes important. And yet, it's something that is to be kept up even outside of the special time, as a certain public figure has suggested.

That said, I'm a bit dejected that I have somewhat lost contact with the first group of friends I was hoping to meet. It's something that in actuality has happened over the course of several months, it seems, but it was only today that I felt the physical realization of this. Though my Pokémon relations with them stand at low levels, not being in contact with them is like not being in contact with any of my other friends to whom I can relate more with Pokémon, like those of my raid fellows or the ones I mentioned in the other post.

It's a good thing, then, that I could get in touch (and keep it) with my raid fellows through the opportune raid. Even so, I do have many other Pokémon colleagues to keep in touch with, as the ones involved in VGC battling. It's something I'm not quite proficient in, yet all the same I've managed to reach out to a good number of them, even physically. Thus it becomes important to keep tabs and connect with them no matter the circumstance. I'm told that the grand final of this year's local tournament series is at hand, so that is something to keep watch and discuss with them, as a way to connect with them.

To lose touch and to keep in touch with friends is seemingly something that isn't trivial. This is even more so when it concerns something like Pokémon that is liked by many. It becomes a challenge for me as a fan to manage to maintain as many as possible of the relationships that concern it. I hope to avoid as much as possible the earlier situation of today while always encountering the later one as much as possible, all the while keeping Pokémon throughout my life's journey.

One year ago: Pokémon Exclusivity

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