Saturday, June 23, 2018

Gym Rework, One Year Later

It almost escaped my realization that one year ago, more or less, was when Pokémon Go was updated with a rework of the Gym system plus the addition of raids (see below). Since then, Gyms have become more interesting and there have been countless raids and raid bosses, including the highly anticipated Ex-Raids. One year ago, I wasn't active in the game, but I knew this was quite an exciting change. After getting back in the game a few months later and experiencing the system until its anniversary, I can say that this is indeed so.

While I never experienced Gyms prior to the rework because of not claiming a team, some insights may be gleaned from records of the old system. In the old days, Gyms ran on a "Prestige" system which increased and decreased according to interactions among teams; notably, this allowed same-team Trainers to train Pokémon at a Gym and increase the Prestige, which is now not possible. The Prestige system also determined how many Pokémon could be in a Gym, whereby if this was depleted, the Gym was defeated and could be taken. Though it is no longer possible to train at a Gym, the new system seems more egalitarian as anyone can put in a Pokémon with little effort so long as the Gym is not full. The six-Pokémon and "species clause" limits also seem fair enough to represent individual Trainers in a way, and the "Gym stops" - spinning the Photo Disc of Gyms - makes a fine alternative to a PokéStop (and in fact does count as one in certain situations). The rework seems to have done a fine job of giving new life to Gyms.

And then of course, there are the raids. These have been instrumental in allowing a different kind of battle to occur, one that occurs among one or many Pokémon against one powerful one, and providing an entry path for Legendary Pokémon to be captured. The cooperation that these require on higher levels have really brought together Trainers of different teams to unite, as I can attest through my experience with my raid group, which has been a wonderful one. Even for the non-Legendary bosses, these have also allowed the capture of uncommon or hard-to-get Pokémon, which further increases the utility. And as I've said in my first-ever Ex-Raid, these have helped realize one of the initial promises of the game made through its trailer. It is fair enough to say that raids are major successes and will continue to be so.

Pokémon Go is a mobile game that continues to receive changes, and this was one of the larger ones that took place a year ago. While it may be possible for the Gym system to change again, it may not be likely, given that what is currently in place is sufficiently successful and exciting that it warrants them to be kept as they are. It will be fascinating to see where and how the results will take Trainers in the later future. Until that point, anyone playing Go can really reap full enjoyment of all that has changed with one of the most important facets in the game.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Gym Rework

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