Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Holding Hands

Hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what we've left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We could save the good spirit in me and you
For another chance, and let's pray for the beautiful world
The beautiful world I share with you
-- "Hold My Hand", Maher Zain

The special time that I discussed last year returned today, albeit 10 days earlier. But that's always the case with this particular special time, being about that many days earlier each year. But no matter what time it is in the year, there's always a sense that something of it (or that could be related to it) always reminds me of Pokémon. This year, it is this song, by the same artist of the song that I mentioned last year.

This song is somewhat mellow and sentimental. It speaks of disunity, conflict, and injury that shouldn't be. It instead should be unity, harmony, and healing for anyone concerned. The song seems to be apt for describing some things that have occurred in the modern world, and perhaps even some things that have occurred in recent memory. Of course, the same things could conceivably exist in fictional universes, which could explain how this song ended up being featured in a couple of AMVs (anime music videos). In short, the song also has universal messages, just like the song from last year.

While those AMVs didn't feature the Pokémon anime, I've thought of a specific circumstance that evokes this song. Early on in the Sinnoh saga, there was the Chimchar conflict that ultimately led to Ash obtaining it; I find that the song seems to capture some of the sentiments of that conflict. With the way that Chimchar progressed, it seems the chorus of the song had been realized. So this could be considered a testament for this particular song and its contained messages. It may even beg for an AMV to be made, but that's out of my current range of capabilities. In general, though, the song may be considered to apply wherever people and partner Pokémon are concerned, especially coming away from a negative situation.

What is clear is that the song trends towards positivity, which should be a good thing that even transgresses this special time. With its messages transcending the real and imagined worlds, that's an even better thing. I'm all for unity and harmony, as everyone else should be, including people and Pokémon alike. At the point where this is realized, we can then hold hands and face all that a beautiful world has to offer.

One year ago: Raid Preferences
Two years ago: Sympathy for Villains

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