Friday, June 15, 2018

Number One for...

Mom I'm all grown up now, it's a brand new day
I'd like to put a smile on your face every day
Mom I'm all grown up now, and it's not too late
I'd like to put a smile on your face every day
You know you are the number one for me
You know you are the number one for me
You know you are the number one for me
Oh, oh, number one for me...
-- "Number One for Me", Maher Zain

It just so happens that this is a very special time of year for many people, one that prompts music and songs like the ones that the artist of the song above typically sings. Yet as with anything I post on this blog, things go to a deeper level - or rather, to the next level, where Pokémon is involved. This is true for me and the song that I've quoted above, which could be considered to be one of his more "universal" songs.

This song is another one that goes on two levels. On one level, I'm inclined to think that this song relates to Ash and his mother Delia. This song discusses the mother-child relationship, after all - it's about the child making the mother happy (and still regarding her as prime) with what the child does and after all that has happened. I'd like to think that Ash has some of the sentiments that are echoed in the song. Some of the lyrics may need to be changed to suit the state of things, but they overall just may fit otherwise.

On another level, I'm inclined to think that this song relates to me and Pokémon. This is where things really get fanciful, as they necessitate some changes in lyrics as well. Sometimes I think the first two words in the chorus (as above) blurs, and I only hear "I'm...", and thus it becomes personal. At that point I also tend to ignore the verses and focus on the rest of the lyrics, which relates to whatever I've experienced with Pokémon and how that was realized. In any case, I still regard Pokémon as something with a "number one" quality.

I know the meanings and relationships of this song may tend towards the abstract, but at least a good deal makes sense. Ash may have the sentiments for his mother, and I may have the sentiments for Pokémon. There is something we regard and do so highly, perhaps even as number one. It's a good thing to consider for a special time of year like this one.

One year ago: 15th Feature Film Mini-Figures

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