Thursday, June 6, 2019

Be with You, Always with You

Someone else will keep you warm from now on
Someone else will keep you safe from the storm
But I'll be with you wherever you go
So you will never be alone
I'm going where the wind blows
Going where the lost ones go...
-- "I Will Be With You (Where The Lost Ones Go)", Sarah Brightman and Chris Thompson

Yesterday became the marker of a special time. Yesterday, something else important also happened, but I need to allow myself some time to distill that... and perhaps to distill myself. The thing is, this special time for me this year is a bit sentimental in a slightly different way than the perceptions offered by the song I mentioned yesterday. It makes me think up of a different song, one that is more related to Pokémon as it is isn't. Huh?

Such is the case for the song I've quoted above. This song in English is the ending theme for the tenth Pokémon feature film or movie, which in English is titled The Rise of Darkrai... at least for the Japanese side. It is odd in that the song is fully in English, yet is the theme for an originally Japanese film. Further, the song has Norwegian origins, sung by the artist Sissel (with Espen Lind) and became popular six years prior to its cover for the Pokémon movie. As well, the original title of the song is stated in the parentheses above. Thus, the song is, in a way, distantly related to as it is closely linked with Pokémon.

The theme for the song is about moving forward despite losing or parting with someone. The telltale repeated words in the lyrics for that is not only those contained in the two titles of the song above, but also the phrase "leave and let me go" as well as "carry on... stay strong" in certain verses. The point is that wherever one goes, there may be something that accompanies, even if one is heading in the direction of "the lost ones", which perhaps could be some unknown place. These exact sentiments are what I identify with at the moment, and while I can't say for sure when, this is something I have to prepare for soon enough.

And so I've distilled myself. All that remains is to distill the thing that happened yesterday, and I'll be off in a better place. The special time by now is fading (or has faded) into its remnants, but I still can take solace wherever I may go and whatever happens next that something is there. I'm sure that Pokémon is at least one of those things, as may be other things that this song suggests.

One year ago: (The Least) Local Ex-Raid, 6/6/2018
Two years ago: Pokémon Direct, 6/6/2017

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