Monday, June 3, 2019

Local EX Raid (Time and Again), 6/3/2019

It's actually been nearly two months since I've taken part in an EX Raid - the last one being in April - and there are various reasons I can give why this is so (one of which I already gave in last month's Community Day). The important part now is that I got to participate in another one today. And it seems for this one, I'm discerning a lot of links regarding "time". The EX Raid itself went pretty well, so I won't touch on that too deeply, but more on the "time" factor.

This was one of those EX Raids where I actually made the time to raid for "qualifying" for the EX Raid Pass as part of some errands I had to do. I love it when this happens; I personally wouldn't go out to an EX Raid Gym solely for the "qualification" for the EX Raid, except in rare cases - there has to be something else that I have to do in addition to doing so. It might or might not be related to Pokémon Go, but as long as the initial raid happens, then at least I'll have made good time along with those errands. Of course, the EX Raid itself demands that its own time be made, which leads to a few consequences.

As is well-known by now, Trainers that earn an EX Raid Pass can invite someone with that pass to participate. Because this can be done only once, the decision has to be made carefully. For this one, I invited a friend who desired the EX Raid, but it turns out at the very last minute my friend couldn't come. This always becomes the hard question. On one hand, I want to be able to avoid situations like these, but on the other hand, things just ended up badly timed with no control for me, even forcing some alternate plans. And so the EX Raid proceeded regardless.

Even with that, many of my raid fellows had happened to earn the pass and used it to invite others. And for those that did, they really made the effort to come, even making sure with a roll call in the group. When I met them, we also attempted to make sure that everyone present was in, in a timely manner - something that in many past occasions would be done with a separate group, but this time on our own. It seems that this resulted in the EX Raid proceeding smoothly and efficiently.

There was even just enough time for a quick shot.

The key to this particular EX Raid is really time. That involves earning the EX Raid, gathering up the participants, making sure who is in and when, and just executing it. The fact that things went well means that we made our time wisely. After quite a bit of time of not participating in EX Raids, to make time for one is good, and seeing that time used up wisely means that it is a better one. It may be time to get back in the full swing of EX Raids.

One year ago: Classical and New HP Heal Amounts
Two years ago: 3DS Pokémon Themes

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