Friday, June 28, 2019

The Path of (the) Silph

I've mentioned in a few posts about a certain tracker and competition helper for Pokémon Go, and it's something that needs to be discussed sooner or later. That tracker and competition helper is run by an independent entity called The Silph Road, which organizes competitions as part of The Silph League Arena. Its namesake is clear: "Silph Co." is the corporation that is established in Saffron City of the Kanto region in the main series of Pokémon games. Thus, "The Silph Road" name plays on the Silk Road, the famous cross-continental real trade route that connects many regions. And like that route, it does connect the players of Pokémon Go in some ways.

On the tracker side, it provides info on present in-game elements, including available Pokémon, current raid bosses, and possible Egg hatches (as well as Field Research tasks, which happen to be new). For raids, there is a guide on the number of Trainers needed, and for Egg hatches, there is a guide on the likelihoods of obtaining certain Pokémon. Even so, features for these seem to be at a minimum, with many being recently added. For a rudimentary guide, it seems fine enough.

The real connective aspect is through player profiles in the form of "Trainer Cards", which keep track of certain Pokémon Go data, including XP and Pokédex, though these have to be manually updated. Registered players can also register their meetings with one another through "handshakes" using four-digit codes and checking in during major meet-ups. Players may also be able to report the movements of specific Pokémon in the game and be credited for it. This leaves lots of room to connect with others and relate with certain game statistics.

The heart of connecting with each other, of course, is related to competing with each other through tournaments, and The Silph League Arena furnishes and aids in that for The Silph Road players. Players may be involved as participants as well as organizers, reporting outcomes and resolving disputes. The systems run based on player input, including what Pokémon participants enter. The results and stats are transparent and available for everyone, which encourages all to be honest; they too provide achievements to the player profile. Everyone connects, and tournaments both large and small run well; that has to be a good thing.

For all its independence, The Silph Road and its League Arena have a lot to offer. They supplement and encourage further gameplay in ways that the game itself doesn't have. Connectivity is also highly evident in the offered methods to link up with each other, as well as with the comprehensive tournament system. The path of The Silph Road has shown itself to be a veritable path for many players of Pokémon Go, and it's likely to persist for some time in the same way that the trade route of similar name has.

One year ago: Go Gets Social
Two years ago: LINE Pokémon Themes

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