Saturday, June 29, 2019

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 6/29/2019

This rollup is another one that is near the end of the month. but it's OK. The rollup coincides with the major part of an event that I'm summarizing, and it serves as a post-conclusion to it too. Therefore, I can call this a "just-in-time" rollup. It's actually somewhat rare that it does happen; usually what I summarize in the rollups are events that have ended or possibly about to end, but this time I'm also including the end part of an event. So here goes this month's rollup.

Now, hot on the heels of a press conference on future Pokémon games was one event to celebrate that, more specifically Pokémon Sleep. For a few days, Sleeping Snorlax appeared within Pokémon Go; these are Snorlax in an actual sleeping position seen from the left. The notable thing was that these Snorlax were guaranteed captures... at least on the third ball; though it appeared to flee on the first and second throws, the ball counter was not deducted unless one missed. Even so, after they're captured, they returned to their normal standing form, with their only real novelty being that they have the Fast Move of Yawn. This did lead to greater opportunities for trading and getting a Lucky Snorlax, which was kind of nice.

After Snorlax came the return of Adventure Week, the event that is focused on exploration and Rock-type Pokémon. There was a fair boost of XP during this event, which did help me attain the "general" status, but most of it was emphasized on the release of the Shiny forms of Onix, Lileep, and Anorith, as well as of their evolved forms. There were also several Field Research tasks oriented to some of these Rock-type Pokémon, which also happened to involve the Fossil Pokémon of the present generations. This one had something for everyone, even if the demands might have been enormous.

During this month, each Wednesday had a Legendary Raid Hour, corresponding to "dinner" from 6 to 7 PM. The concept hadn't changed much from April since they were introduced, but the bosses involved did. The first two Wednesdays had Cresselia as the raid boss, taking over from the Lake Beings and having its Shiny form; the last two Wednesdays had a revisit from Kyogre, itself having replaced Cresselia. As of now, Kyogre has finished its run and handed over the spotlight to Groudon. It remains to be seen whether it too will have Legendary Raid Hour(s) during the next month.

The biggest thing this month was the first stop of the Pokémon Go Summer Tour with the holding of Pokémon Go Fest Chicago in the middle of the month. This also involved Professor Willow's Global Challenge with the Candy-based rewards by Spark, which was achieved quite dramatically. The Candy rewards had been in place over the week after its conclusion, but the final bonus of Raikou Raid Day only came today. Like previous Raid Days, it also involved its Shiny form, and I'm happy to say that I'm the proud owner of one of these after a dramatic afternoon as well - it being held from 4 PM to 7 PM. Everyone should still have achieved good results.

This June, the time had been right for the events in the game. There was a time to sleep and then to rise up, then a time to be with legends for one hour and a good part of a day. It seems some of that had been borne within the right and even dramatic amount of time, making them "just in time" in many ways. So too is this event rollup, being just in time as a certain part wraps up and the month itself wraps up. That has to amount to be just right.

One year ago: Monotype (of) Sorts
Two years ago: 3DS Circle Pad and Pokémon Games... Plus My Experience

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