Thursday, June 22, 2017

Technology, Good and Evil

A few days ago, I paid attention to a talk on technology, and the talk discussed the merits of technology and the people that use them. The conclusion of the talk was that technology is not what makes people become one way or the other; people are what make themselves one way or the other, and technology is neutral. As is true of so many real-life things, the same applies to the world of Pokémon. Technology is something that shapes this world, but the people are what make themselves good or evil through it.

I've mentioned in my sympathy for villains post some of the technologies that the villains used in order to carry out their objectives, and it really is true. Team Rocket's genetic engineering, far removed from their efforts in giving rise to Mewtwo, could be utilized to improve the lives of the Pokémon and people populace in general. And for Team Flare, instead of resurrecting an apocalyptic weapon from the past, the energies could be devoted to less hazardous objectives in the present. The technology can do what it does, but the intent by the teams are malicious.

Closer to the general populace are Pokémon technologies such as the Poké Ball, restore machines at Pokémon Centers, and transport devices. In doing what they do, these are all neutral; they're only good or bad if they support intents that are such. For typical Trainers, these are all indispensable in fulfilling objectives to become the best, making them feasible and accessible. For the villainous teams, they only serve to provide facilities to progress their not-so-good motives. The technologies don't have anything to do with the end result of the intents, but they do help them along.

Technology is in many places in the Pokémon world, but what it comes down to is how it is used by the people. Good motives beget good use, and likewise on the other end. Technology in our world is not quite as sophisticated, but the result is the same: good makes good and vice versa. The takeaway isn't that we are only as good as our technology, but that we are only as good as our motives, and technology is purely assistive. As a Pokémon fan, I feel like I've gained insights on both the real and the imagined by way of this consideration.

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