Friday, June 9, 2017

A Faraway Tournament and a Charitable Spirit

While my VGC skills are somewhat lacking, I try to participate in as many tournaments as possible. Unfortunately, with all the business I had going on, this meant that I could effectively participate in only one, and that was the one at the beginning of this year. All the other tournaments were either held in a faraway location, which made it impractical for me to go, or clashed with something that I needed to do. The result was that I had little choice but not partake in them, lest I abandon my business, which would be far worse than giving up the tournaments.

Many of those tournaments that I could not participate in were organized by the national group of which I am a member, but as I've noted in my post about Pokéfriends, "national" is only half of the description. And they have plans for holding one more major tournament to cap off what has been a thrilling ride in the eight-plus months since the release of Sun and Moon late last year. That tournament will be a live one, and it automatically means I will be far removed in location from it. Moreover, you have to qualify for it based on the previous tournaments or by a pre-tournament "last chance" qualifier. If you're familiar with the Pokémon World Championships, you'll no doubt note that it's quite similar to that.

The tournament is not for another two months, but due to my unpredictable schedules, it adds to the impracticality. However, in order to support the tournament, the national group has decided to hold a fundraiser in a way that is reminiscent of Kickstarter-style campaigns. And the best part? I don't have to attend the tournament after participating in the fundraiser. Plus, as it so happens, the current time of year where I live is in a merry kind of mood where giving is just one part of the equation that makes it merry. So you know what? I'm going to contribute and put into the fundraiser some of my money.

I don't have VGC skills on par with some of the players that will be in the tournament, but that doesn't mean I enjoy Pokémon any less than they do. At this point, I'm happy to throw some of my money to support those going into the tournament and make sure that the tournament proceeds for them. The timing is also right with a time where it is important to make other people happy, one way of which is through giving. Thus I have nothing to lose by putting some of my money into this fundraiser, and unlike a Pokémon battle, we would be all winners. I hope that in the future I can do the same on the VGC battlefield.

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