Sunday, June 18, 2017

There Is Only One Ball

In many Pokémon games, there are a multitude of Poké Balls that can be used to catch Pokémon. Each one is tailored to some aspect of the Pokémon that is targeted to be caught. However, despite this fact, other games and the anime (most of the time) only exhibit one ball, the very ball for which this class of tools is named. Thus I propose that in some understanding that the classic red-and-white Poké Ball is really the only thing that is needed for the purpose of catching and keeping Pokémon.

In contrast to all other ball types, the Poké Ball is only a basic ball. It makes no regard of the size of the Pokémon being caught nor does it regard the location. It doesn't enhance the happiness of the Pokémon upon a successful catch, and it doesn't restore their vitals either. Finally, it pales in catching probability compared to its Great Ball and Ultra Ball brethren. Given all this, it would appear that the Poké Ball is made out to be a weak ball, akin to a "Magikarp of balls", so to speak. Yet it still works for catching and holding just about any Pokémon.

So then, this mediocrity is not really a liability for the Poké Ball. Instead, it becomes an asset that plays into its ubiquity. By not making distinctions based on the characteristics of the Pokémon to be caught, it affirms its universality in that all Pokémon are simply caught and held in the same manner, and there is no reason that this can't happen. All other balls then only serve as backup varieties. The Poké Ball is therefore the equalizing platform for catching any Pokémon.

In the end, the Poké Ball is a simple yet elegant solution to catching and keeping any Pokémon. While its basic qualities don't ensure that catches happen quickly and efficiently, it doesn't mean that it doesn't work either. It just means that this is the typical and universal solution which works even if other balls can do a better job, a good thing when this doesn't matter much as in the anime and certain games. The Poké Ball just works, and just that is already a good thing.

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