Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A Little Dream

Remember how I said that in the attempt to not miss a thing, I sometimes end up dreaming about Pokémon? Well, that happened to me just last night. When I was asleep, I dreamed about something that could have come from the Pokémon anime. I was truly carried away by it that when I woke up, I had to note the dream down so that I could share it in this post for all to read.

My dream last night was something from the Kalos saga (XY), though it was quirky considering how the actual XY storyline went. In the dream, it was apparent that somehow to resolve the Kalos conflict, Yveltal was to be needed, as well as the three first-generation legendary birds, which would aid in that effort and somehow attract the help of Yveltal. Two of the birds (Articuno and Zapdos) had been sought, while the third, Moltres, was to be sought, though it was in captivity. Ash was to free Moltres, and in the dream my vision followed him as he succeeded in doing so, though in the process an alarm was also triggered. In the end, Ash and a few comrades took to the sky for the next phase of the effort, and at that point... the dream ended, and I woke up. It was as if there was a "To Be Continued" message present then and there.

What makes this dream odd are how the elements are interrelated. The three first-generation legendary birds are not really involved in the Kalos conflict at all, so it's odd to find them in this manner, let alone all three of them, since in the game only one is present at any given time according to the chosen starter. And then there's the issue of Yveltal; Yveltal is clearly positioned as an antagonistic Pokémon, unless it is somehow to be related to Zygarde. This could make for a possible "Z storyline" that could have been realized during the sixth generation, but wasn't.

It has been said that a dream is the vision of an intermingled and jumbled up set of memories. If so, then this dream fits the bill, as the elements of the Kalos conflict were muddied up with the presence of other elements. Regardless, the dream ran so well that I believed everything while I was in the dream, and realized I couldn't continue and missed the vision when I woke up. Now I'm even more inclined to find a time when I can watch an episode or two again of the anime to alleviate my longing.

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