Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ball Redesign?

As I've mentioned in my last event review, I'm now in-between cosplay events, as the event schedule is practically on a break that will last pretty much up to the end of this month. However, that gives me time to think about what I might do with my cosplay for my next event. Part of this for my Pokémon cosplay involves the use of Poké Balls, which I consider necessary for that purpose. Lately I've been considering if I should revise and redesign the concept for its use so that it is pleasing and/or can work better based on several considerations.

In the other post, I said that I'm open to different concepts for Pokémon presentation, and this is true for the Poké Ball as well. During the ComiCamp event, I received a plastic, spring-loaded Poké Ball courtesy of a friend who said that he had quite a few at home and I could feel free to have more if I wanted or needed. However, I lost his contact information, and I haven't talked to him since, which is a shame, since I am interested in taking one or two more, especially in regard to the subject of this post. As for the ball itself, it's nicely designed and perfectly sized, and a big plus is that it's hollow and can be opened, which means I can put a Pokémon figure in there to enhance the effect. But in the end, it is a plastic ball, and it could be fragile; I tested the ball at a later event and I felt wary about tossing it around, especially since it's the only one I have. I'm likely not to replace my current ball with this one.

As for my current ball, it's fabric and plushy, and it's well-designed. The only problem is that it's not quite mine. All my other balls are my own design, but then they are a little flawed with the design, which is why I gravitated to my current ball. I'm interested in re-making the ball so that I could say it's mine, but I have not figured out how to design it so that I could make it properly. One way or another, I'm siding with a fabric ball because it's something I really could toss around with less worry, which is what I need to do if I perform on stage or otherwise.

Technically, I have this break if I want to redesign my ball, but it's not really a break at all considering other things I need to do. Based on this and the considerations above, I might just hold it off altogether. As the old adage goes, "if it isn't broken, don't fix it"; I definitely don't have anything broken here except for the minor flaws in my other balls, and they're essentially fixed with my current ball. It's still a nice thought that I will occasionally revisit when new developments appear.

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