Wednesday, June 28, 2017

LINE Pokémon Themes

The primary method of personalization in LINE is through obtaining stickers and using them in chats. However, there is another method of personalization, and that is through themes for the app. In addition to the standard blue theme, there are also many themes obtainable, both indie and official like the stickers. Pokémon too is included as the latter, and it has two official themes. I grabbed them during the same sale as for the other four stickers I previously obtained, and I was fortunate to do so, because they look awesome. These are the two themes:

Pokémon - This theme has a predominant color of yellow, owing to the series' de facto mascot Pikachu, which does appear on some parts of the theme. A few other Pokémon appear on the tab headings of the main screen (when active) as well as on certain profile pictures, but the most dominant are the Poké Balls that appear in the tab headings as well as the default chat background, though. It's very yellow and very bright, but it also pairs well with most of the sticker packs; it's a good, all-purpose Pokémon theme.

Pokémon Pixel Artwork - This theme has a predominant beige color and monochrome appearance based on the overworld of the RGBY games; the tab headings are the creature images from those games and even the tab and default chat backgrounds have the cityscape from the overworld. Obviously this is meant to go together with the corresponding Pixel Artwork sticker pack, but it can be enjoyed regardless of whether the pack is present or not. The most important is the retro feeling that is present, if desired to be experienced by obtaining this theme.

These two Pokémon themes really exemplify how they make the LINE experience personal by presenting a different cosmetic touch to the interface. They're not absolutely necessary, and they are somewhat pricey to get normally, but if a LINE experience with Pokémon is desired, then by all means. In any case I do highly recommend them if you can't get enough of Pokémon like me.

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