Saturday, June 3, 2017

3DS Pokémon Themes

While on the subject of changing the looks of the 3DS Home screen, the most striking and quickest way to do so is with themes, which I only briefly mentioned in the post about badges yesterday. Themes change the look of the Home screen and even come with distinct background music. These are available in many choices of appearances, not the least of which is Pokémon. Most themes, however, are not free, requiring purchase with eShop credits, and this includes the Pokémon ones. Even so, they remain attractive to have.

Themes are obtainable and selectable through the settings for the Home screen, as with badges. The settings screen for themes allows access to the theme shop, which is a totally separate shop just for theme purchase, and allows selection of particular themes that have already been obtained. The wonderful thing is that you can select not just one theme to use, but up to 10 themes in a cycle. So that means if I have 10 Pokémon themes, I can select them all to be cycled each time the Home screen appears. This is incredibly pleasing.

Speaking of Pokémon themes, there are now lots of them to purchase. While I'm still not able to purchase any of them, there are still a few that I desire. I've been eyeing the Pokémon Hanafuda theme for a while now as it recalls a piece of Nintendo's history, back when the company used to make Hanafuda cards. Pikachu is an obvious theme fodder, and there are a few Pikachu themes, so I want some of the best-looking ones. The Shuffle theme is elegant and therefore also nice to have. Finally, there are extremely awesome themes like the Red & Blue and Ash-Greninja ones, also nice to have. All the themes are great and satisfy different Pokémon experiences.

If you've got a few dollars to spare in your eShop balance, I recommend getting a theme or maybe two to change up the look of the Home screen. If you're a big Pokémon fan like me, it's even more worth it because of all the Pokémon themes. Personally, I praise the effort that goes into these themes and like how they create different ambiances. I would definitely spend some of my eShop balance for these should I have some.

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