Saturday, June 17, 2017

Hounds and Hyenas, Canines of the Dark

My friends and I are gathering to eat, drink, and have fun. For the last point, we're also playing a game that involves canines and the dark of night. Pokémon has those too, as one embodiment, in the form of two two-stage Pokémon that look fierce as the first stage and even fiercer as the second stage. To my observation, we look as fierce as those Pokémon when we assume those roles.

The first of these Pokémon are Houndour and Houndoom. The two Pokémon are known for being a hybrid of Fire and Dark types. The latter even received a Mega Evolution in the sixth generation. This is understandable given that Mega Evolution seems to be given to the most popular Pokémon, and they're definitely popular given they're the first to appear along with the rest of the second generation. They almost look like they set the standard for the other two Pokémon, with their looks and capabilities.

Those other two Pokémon are Poochyena and Mightyena. Unlike their second-generation predecessors above, these two are purely Dark types. While I feel that they look just as fierce and powerful as the predecessors, to everyone else these two don't appear as popular. It may be because Poochyena is popularly known as the Pokémon that gave trouble to Professor Birch at the start of the third-generation games, setting the stage for the course of the games. On one hand they could have been what Houndour and Houndoom have been, but on the other hand they don't seem to measure up to the predecessor's standard.

Canines and the dark of night are two things that go together in many world folklore, and they also happen to go together in the world of Pokémon. This concept is popular enough elsewhere, so it may as well be welcome with Pokémon - and it is. I don't know if we truly resemble these Pokémon when we play the game, but at least we do show enough resemblance to them as we do.

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