Monday, June 12, 2017

Red on a Bike

I like bicycles as much as I do motorcycles. I'm fortunate to be able to ride the former, which obviously gives a leg up on the latter. I also like the character Red for his proximity to and duplicity of Ash. So when I see the illustration of Red riding a green bike, I get a sense of delight and excitement out of it. It is something that I can really see myself doing, in part because the vibe is really appropriate for the character.

Bikes (and by extension motorcycles) demand a serious nature, so this definitely befits the character of Red. It's hard not to be serious when riding something with two wheels, and I speak from experience. The focus needed to ride something with two wheels is close to that needed for a Pokémon battle, so I can understand Red being on one. To show the same drive and determination in a Pokémon battle and on a bicycle is quite admirable and is a total inspiration.

As a matter of fact, I'm inspired to replicate the illustration in cosplay, since I have the costume and can ride a bike. The only thing is that I have a bike, but it's not green, so this would be the hardest part to replicate, since I'm not compelled to go out and find (and own) a green bike. The alternative is that I could play with this concept and use a different kind of bike: a dirt bike, which coincidentally certain ones are also often green-colored in my area. This would also mean having the chops for it, which I don't mind having, but it would take time. These are still interesting prospects.

That this illustration of Red and his bike was made is a wonder in itself. I can't help but feel the way Red does when he is on that bike. It makes me want to have the same feelings for Pokémon (in part by replicating the illustration) as well as in whatever else I do. I'm really taken by this illustration; it really does satisfy my inner Pokémon and bicycling spirit, both of which I am fortunate to have.

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