Friday, June 30, 2017

After Six Months: Poké-Paradise in a Blog

Well, I can't believe it. It's been six months and I've posted something every single day on this blog. As I've mentioned in the very first post of this blog, Pokémon has been such a great inspiration that really, there is not a day that it's missing from my experiences. Even if it's just a little bit, it's still not missing - and it always comes back. It is precisely this experience that I wish to share with others, and what better way to do it than with words in my case.

My intent is to share as many things as I can in regard to Pokémon. This does obviously mean the games as I play, the anime as I watch, and merchandise and related things as I get them. But Pokémon is related to so many things, big or small, and it even begets other things by way of inspiration. These too are worthwhile to share about in the hope that others may in turn be inspired by Pokémon as well. In the end, everything is an experience with Pokémon for me, and I hope that it may be this way too for others.

In the future, I hope to have a greater variety of content, still related to Pokémon. I'm not very experienced in creating videos of myself, but perhaps I can collaborate with vloggers who do this in and out, and the results will definitely go on here. Collaboration can also be done with other Pokémon people on the Internet, and this is one thing I would like to achieve. I'm open to comments on my posts with some discretion, so in the future I may take those comments and interact with them in another post. As well, I will certainly cover things that I haven't covered before and present different directions of Pokémon. I want to take others through my journey of Pokémon experiences through this blog - I want to take others through my Pokémon "paradise", in a way.

And that is what it really is. My Pokémon experience is a "paradise", and it's only right that I allow others to share it, which is what I wish to do with this blog. Granted, occasionally things go wrong in paradise, but that could become the seeds for a better part of paradise, so I'm not ashamed to share some of those experiences as well. The point is that if something is related to Pokémon, it may be discussed as part of my "paradise" so that others can partake in it. On that note, I welcome you to my "paradise".

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