Friday, June 16, 2017

Limited Editions

I've noticed lately that I've hit a slight issue with my 3DS, which as I've detailed in my story, is the Pikachu Limited Edition. That same friend has suggested that I go see someone in town to look at it, and that is what I will do as soon as I am able. This issue does prompt me to discuss about limited editions of things, of which Pokémon also has. It's kind of a love-hate thing based on specific considerations, although admittedly considering Pokémon, there's a lot more love than hate involved.

When it comes to hardware and devices with Pokémon on them, I'm a bit on the fence. The issue concerns whether I can use them while maintaining their integrity and therefore "limited-ness". If I think I can't, then there is no point. At this point I have to come clean and say that before I decided to grab my friend's 3DS Pikachu LE, I was divided on whether I should get one of the other Pokémon 3DS limited editions (the Xerneas and Yveltal ones) or go with a regular one. If I back then knew all the things that a 3DS could do, I would have gotten a regular one rather than an LE as integrity would be a lesser yet still important concern. As it stands, though, I don't regret grabbing my friend's 3DS Pikachu LE because it has brought me lots of good things rather than bad, but I still feel slightly ashamed that I couldn't keep its integrity as above. In the future I will keep this for consideration.

Now, most games don't have a programmed limited edition, so a game with a limited edition most often means it comes with special things. These I will truly get if things work out, allowing me to get them; the special things can simply become collectibles, which I don't mind. For example, the European limited editions of Pokémon games often come with a metal case, which is intriguing to be able to get as the case makes a nice collectible. However, my 3DS is not European, so it would be a waste of my money getting something that I can't play (without making extra effort). Had I had a European 3DS, then things would be just dandy. Then again, the final determinant would of course be money.

So I have nothing against limited editions, so long as I can make them stay that way and it is not prohibitive to get them. Otherwise, if things don't work out, I'm just fine with the regular editions. This applies equally to Pokémon and elsewhere, but the drive is greater for me in regard to Pokémon stuff, and that's where the love lies. I'm going to need to show that love for my 3DS as well in getting it looked at.

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