Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Pokémon Direct, 6/6/2017

So today, a Pokémon Direct appeared on Nintendo's online video channels. I almost never watch the Direct for the simple reason that... I always miss it. Luckily, thanks to my network of Pokémon friends, I received word yesterday that the Direct was going to be about Pokémon, and so I decided to take a look into it when it went on. It's also perfect now that I have this blog, because anything Pokémon that appears is well worth it to write up on. And this Direct is especially important for that reason.

Along with word about the Direct yesterday, there was a bit of a furor yesterday about what would be the contents of this Direct. The furor was mostly caused not by the announcement of the Direct itself, but a rather telltale image that someone posted as to what could be the future for the Pokémon main series, which could very well have been divulged in the Direct. Needless to say, plenty of speculation followed, with some people taking sides should the image be true or false, and then even more provocative images came to light. As the furor calmed down, it became obvious that whatever was going to happen was going to be straightened out during the Direct, and the mood became anticipatory - at that point everyone simply waited for the Direct to happen.

And then it happened. The Direct started innocuously enough with a preview of Pokkén Tournament for the Switch, which would be dubbed Pokkén Tournament DX (read: Deluxe) and takes advantage of the new features of the Switch. But it turns out this was only the bomb; the bombshell was when the Pokkén preview moved into a preview of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon for the 3DS, which is dubbed as an "alternate story" to the Sun and Moon games; memories of Black 2 and White 2 suddenly come to mind. And just to sweeten the deal, it was also announced that the Gold and Silver games from the GBC era would be made available for the 3DS Virtual Console. And that was it: three games, two continuances, and one lively Direct - or maybe disappointing for some.

Oh, and those images? They've been proven false, at least for now. Other things still may happen, though.

In any case, all the games don't come until later in the year, which certainly keeps the excitement bottled up for now. I can't wait to unbottle it when the time comes.

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