Saturday, July 1, 2017

My Offerings (or, What I Am Not)

I've shared what I intend this blog to be in my six-month post, which in a nutshell is a capitulation of my experiences so that others may take part in it. Logically, now it's time to share what I am not and work back from there. There are many different Pokémon sites on the Internet, and I feel that I have to be different to stand out; this is also aided by my own experiences, which may not be unique, but are still fascinating to share. To that end, there are a few things that I don't try to be with this blog so that I have something different to offer for Pokémon and its fandom.

First up, I'm not a news site. I'm not or any of its kin; I don't pursue the latest word on everything Pokémon, but I try to keep up as best as I can. Still, I do every so often report on the latest goings-on when I am able, such as the Pokémon Direct from a little while ago, and combine it with my perspectives. This last bit is important, for I will often save things until I can discuss them here with some weight - my weight, in most cases. Otherwise, it is not my job (or at least not at every moment) to report on everything new about Pokémon as soon as word is received; the other sites I mentioned can do a better job than me on this, while I can process what they report for this blog later on.

I'm also not a media collection site. Sure, sometimes I'll post pictures of official media to help illustrate my point, but I try to limit this so that I can emphasize my personal aspect. As a result, most of the media I post are personal pictures or creations that pertain as much to me as they pertain to Pokémon. I can vouch for my personal pictures and creations, but beyond that, I try not to transgress deep into others' media spaces and try to promote and share myself more in relation to Pokémon.

I'm also not a site for a fan "shrine". A "shrine" connotes glorification or sanctity, which would mean elevating things too much beyond what they are or giving excess special recognition. I'm all for special treatment - as in everyone or everything is special in their own ways - but if it means creating unnecessary separation or (heaven forbid) a "wall", then I do not approve. Instead, I promote respect and universality: Pokémon is for you and me, and there's all kinds of things about it to be appreciated. Let's enjoy Pokémon together.

This blog means something for me in sharing my appreciation for Pokémon and for others to join in on that, but there are also things that this blog isn't or shouldn't be considered as. By not attempting to be those things, I allow my own personal connections and experiences to appear more distinctly and make the blog what it is. Even so, I'm still one of many Pokémon sites on the Internet, and it wouldn't be hard to believe that we created our sites because we have the same feelings for Pokémon. That is the most important thing for all our sites, including this blog of mine.

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