Monday, July 3, 2017

Spicy Tamato

I like spicy food (to an extent). And I mean spicy food with heat, as in the heat that results from chili peppers. Speaking of chili peppers, Pokémon can be said to have an analogue of this for its world, in the form of the Tamato Berry. It's part of a whole family of Berries that do interesting things for Pokémon in battle or otherwise, and it's one of the Berries that has a highly Spicy quality.

The inspiration for this Berry is quite clear. The name for the Berry comes from "tomato", a fruit of a plant in the nightshade family that is better known for its not-so-spicy quality. However, the nightshade family also does include the chili peppers, which are indeed well known for their spicy heat. So this Berry in the Pokémon world can be thought of as being emblematic of all the members of the nightshade family, though it better represents the tomatoes and the chili peppers. This could also explain its common illustration, which is as a tomato with spikes, indicating the spicy quality.

This Berry also happens to be memorable for its appearance in the anime. In one episode of the Advanced Generation series, Ash was looking for Berries to eat, and after stumbling on a few common berries, he encountered the Tamato Berry, which he tried... to his surprise, as it was maddeningly spicy. This not only affirms its highly Spicy quality, but also suggests that this Berry would be on par with some of the hottest, spiciest chilies in the real world. In that case, its usage would not be too different with how chili peppers are manipulated in the real world.

The prospect of a very spicy Berry seems not to make sense until it is considered that in the real world there are animals that thrive on chili peppers, so naturally some Pokémon would also desire or be suited to some spice. Like all the other Berries, the Tamato Berry would then complement or satisfy this. And perhaps some people (maybe not Ash) would also be accustomed to its spice; I can already tell that I could be one of those people.

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