Sunday, July 2, 2017

Speedblogging Like a Ninjask

Some readers may wonder how I've been able to post everything that I have posted on this blog. It's actually not always an easy process. I know what I want to post about, but then time may become the issue. Sometimes I have a good few hours to type up a post, though I know that I may be pursued by time at any time; other times, I'm already pursued by time. At the latter point, that's when I have to incur speedblogging that reminds me of a particularly speedy Pokémon.

That Pokémon would be Ninjask. Ninjask is known as a speedy Bug type that gets even speedier, and this would be due to its Speed Boost ability, increasing its speed with each passing turn. The Speed Boost ability is by no means unique to Ninjask, but it was the first known Pokémon to popularize it when it newly appeared in the third-generation games. Some enterprising Trainers would even teach Ninjask the Baton Pass move, and in battle, once Ninjask maxed its speed, Baton Pass would be used to transfer the increased stat to another Pokémon. It is surprisingly useful in that regard.

In that regard, my speedblog does seem like I'm a Ninjask countering an opposing Pokémon. Two fairly recent posts, the "hounds and hyenas" and "only one ball" ones, were in fact made through speedblogging. I had already decided upon what I was going to discuss in my post, but then I became a bit pressured by other things, and this created a time crunch. As a result, I had to execute my speedblogging moves (composing and editing) as Ninjask executed its Pokémon moves. Those actions under time constraints can be just as complex as Ninjask at full speed, where I have to weigh my words carefully. In any case, the result was a flurry of actions as we worked our respective battles... and in my case I think I did just fine, winning the battle against time.

Speedblogging is now not an "if", but a "when", as there will always be situations that demand it. But rest assured that I won't stray from my goal of sharing with you my daily Pokémon experiences as it truly is what matters most for me and this blog. Even now I'm detecting future opportunities for speedblogging, and so very soon I will have to turn into Ninjask again to execute it. It's really not easy being a Ninjask.

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