Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Passion for Red

Let's get one thing straight: Red is a quite intense character. He's the Kanto League protagonist in the games, though this does not preclude his appearances in other games and other leagues. He's also obviously the inspiration behind Ash in the anime, being that he also has a Pikachu; the only difference is that while Ash has attained a laid-back trait over time, Red has remained serious-looking. Any way you cut it, he's a cool chap with some hot Pokémon.

Red also happens to be the only other Pokémon character that is different from Ash that I cosplay as of yet. I wasn't initially intending to cosplay Red, although that was a back-burner plan that I wouldn't realize too soon. The impetus to cosplay Red came when I was blessed to be offered the vest and cap which I recognized as perfectly belonging to Red. It was an offer that I gladly took up as a fan of everything Pokémon and led to my cosplaying of Red. With the parts I was provided, I completed the Red costume and made it my own. Oh, and you know that Red Nendoroid I discussed the other day? One of the hidden reasons I hesitated to buy the Nendoroid was because of cosplay - why buy the Nendoroid when you can be the Nendoroid? This led me to develop a Nendoroid Red costume set. Even so, the tables have turned; now I have the Nendoroid, but I haven't cosplayed as Nendoroid Red recently due to an issue. I would like to rectify this issue and cosplay as Nendoroid Red again. In the meantime I can still cosplay as classic Red just fine.

Red is such a strong character that I bought this as a way of honoring him:

It's a poster, and it's also something that I got off of the Sunday event as well. When I saw the poster, it captured my feelings, and I bought it without hesitation due to its much lower price compared to the Nendoroid. The image is intense with Red in a serious pose as well as Pikachu and Mega Charizard X, which perfectly captures the essence of his character. It's something that I like very much, despite it being a bit big, which is why I'm not putting it up just yet, so I can't fulfill that part of the promise I mentioned regarding posters just yet. Moreover, I found there were a few nicks in the poster, so I'm tempted to change its function to a framed wall art. I'll have to debate with myself before I make any final decisions on putting it up.

It's hard for me not to ignore Red. As the archetype for Ash, it is rightful that I like him as well and enjoy all things related to him, and even cosplay as him, which I have somewhat realized. It's a passion that is warming up and will definitely get hotter, perhaps as hot and intense as his personality.

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