Thursday, June 11, 2020

Low-Bit Fantasies with Pokémon

Any Pokémon fan who is aware of the history of the franchise knows that it started out with low-bit imagery, which developed into the other kinds of imagery used today. With the rich visuals that the franchise has today, there doesn't seem to be any place for this kind of retro imagery, especially for new developments that missed out on this developmental phase. However, it may still be possible for low-bit imagery to fit in even with the modern state of Pokémon imagery, and in doing so provide a bit of fun.

For one, I still think that a retro game remake (which I've learned now may be described as a "demake") might still be possible, considering what I've already outlined previously. Even so, the tag of a "demake" may tend to carry a negative connotation, and that is something to be avoided. The game should flawlessly combine retro elements with modern sensibilities to result in a mixture of both that is satisfying to new times yet also fits in with the old elements. Done well, this might become a fantastic game to play.

Even if a retro game remake might not be possible at the moment, it may still well suffice to add a retro look and feel to modern elements, for which I've also detailed some implementations. This is evident as even with Sword and Shield, Pokémon icons are still represented with a pixelated appearance characteristic of low-bit developments. This process could make up the first step before a retro game remake as above, or it could simply be for aesthetic purposes as with LINE stickers of actual previous retro images, only this time of modern elements attempting to emulate the style of that time.

The results that come out of that second process may have the potential to be manifested in other forms, such as merchandise. There have been retro-styled Pokémon merchandise before, and there might be more in the future, especially considering that something special is approaching that will involve Pokémon. It may be said that everything may want to get into the fun of bygone times, and merchandise might surely make the above process more worthwhile and pleasant for any fan to enjoy.

It's not hard to deny that the graphical beginnings of Pokémon were humble, but even with that humility, many took to enjoying it. Today, many still do enjoy Pokémon, whether or not they have been exposed to that early rudimentary graphical era. It may very well be worth it for modern Pokémon things to try (at least) to fit into that area, possibly to help fans become aware of the history. It's a history that has been filled with a great deal of fun, and that fun may serve as a neat fantasy for fans, even with low-bit qualities.

Three years ago: On Skateboards and Pokémon

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