Monday, June 11, 2018

The Myth of Shiny Pokémon

I've already discussed the stories that involve Shiny Pokémon as well as other points that regard them, but occasionally it's worth it to discuss other different sides, as I'm doing in this post. For some people, including me, Shiny Pokémon are totally something of a different sort. Their rarity in the games that permit many catches is enough to make players wonder about their existence, however unquestioned it may be. It's almost enough for them to regard these Pokémon as a "myth".

This "myth" of course differs from the "Mythical" status afforded to certain Pokémon. In fact, these Pokémon may even pale in comparison to the "myth" afforded to Shiny Pokémon. If their tales are to be believed - based on the games, the anime, and so on - it may be considered easier to come across Mythical Pokémon than it is to come across a Shiny Pokémon. And yet, the two qualifiers can overlap, thus resulting in Shiny Mythical Pokémon, which might be considered nearly improbable to say the least.

Back to other Shiny Pokémon, the stroke of luck needed to come upon a Shiny Pokémon by catching them or hatching them from eggs is sometimes just immense. Capturing or hatching one or a few may not suffice, and this is something that has been illustrated by a player repeatedly doing so for the sake of finding a Shiny Pokémon. And then there are those who do obtain the Shiny Pokémon within the one or few tries, even when not specifically looking for one in particular. Such a situation is likely to arouse wonder among both those who do have them and those who don't, lending credence to the "myth".

Less of a myth is what happens in Shuffle, where Shiny Pokémon every now and then makes a presence, and their presence allows for capture and permanent possession. Even so, their appearances are also erratic and limited, which means that any player has to be vigilant for their appearance and take advantage of the opportunity. Unfortunately, this does consequentially support the "myth" if they are waited and waited upon and do not come. It's still less mythic for those who do possess them.

Appearance and pursuit seem to be very much related to the "myth" of Shiny Pokémon. There's no telling when they might appear, and there's no telling if they'll appear at all during their pursuit. It's understandable that players will regard these in a puzzling manner, leading them to be uncertain, and to affirm the "myth" in the face of their existence. It's just another side to this variety of Pokémon, and a somewhat enigmatic one at that.

One year ago: On Skateboards and Pokémon

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