Sunday, June 14, 2020

Pokémon Conventions?

I've written an awful lot about conventions on this blog. They're places I go to in order to express my attachment and attraction to Pokémon. As much as I like going to them, I can't help but think that I would be even more "at home" at a convention that is specifically has a Pokémon emphasis; many of the conventions I go to are more oriented to Japanese (pop) culture. This, like a few other Pokémon ideas, seem interesting at a glance, but some considerations need to be taken into account in regard to the state of things.

The Pokémon World Championships is a major draw for all Pokémon fans, especially those who excel at playing the games. (It's a shame that current conditions forced it to be canceled this year.) This may be argued as partly a convention in addition to a tournament, as it becomes a place and time for fans or people to gather. Yet, as the primary focus is on the tournament proper, it may hardly be called a "convention" - there have been indications that those not directly tied to the tournament itself are not allowed entry - though some convention-like elements may be involved. I may not hold out hope for attending unless I somehow get really good at the games, and even then it's still not really a "convention".

Video games have their own conventions, and that's a big draw for anyone and everyone interested. However, chances are, they may involve a lot of things, even those beyond Pokémon. Even with just Nintendo involved, there may still be loads of other things besides Pokémon. Because of the many things involved, they tend to be for general audiences, not for those with specific interests like me. It may, however, still be possible for games to be exhibited at pop culture conventions, and in this way I could go to the conventions and still express my interests, yet also be able to deal with games that can possibly include Pokémon. It's a fancy thought, but I'm sure that it can happen.

What I have in my mind in regard to a Pokémon convention is one that would, to a large part, be focused on Pokémon, similar to ones for certain specific interests. There would be spaces for the game players (main series and spinoffs alike), for those who watch the anime, and for merchandise galore. It would be a lot like those pop culture conventions, but the Pokémon theme would be overarching. There could be some room for a few non-Pokémon things that may be on good terms with Pokémon and therefore can be included, but overall it would be mostly nearly all about Pokémon for the enjoyment of its fans, no matter who they might be.

The world of conventions will certainly continue to revolve, especially once current conditions have died down. Among the many conventions present in that world will be game conventions and pop culture conventions, which always has been and hopefully will remain receptive toward Pokémon. In that world, Pokémon conventions can and should be able to fit in, and they should be able to draw in fans as much as possible. They would be truly places I and other fans would go to for expression of the attachment and attraction that we share.

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