Thursday, June 14, 2018

More Pokémon Paper Things

I recently obtained a couple more of Pokémon things that feature paper in some way. Paper seems to be a good medium of expression for Pokémon, even if it's a bit two-dimensional and a little uninteresting. The way that it is, though, might not be so, depending on the form and appearance, plus intended usage. The same is true for the two paper things that I just got.

The first one I got is another roll of Pokémon wrapping paper. Yes, I've gotten two pieces of Pokémon wrapping paper before, but this one's somewhat different. For starters, I obtained this one in the area of where I live, instead of from far away. Another is that the wrapping paper is glossy and smooth like most other typical wrapping paper. Finally and most importantly, the paper constitutes officially licensed merchandise by a major stationery maker, whereas the previous two pieces of wrapping paper could be considered indie and were made by a local maker (where I got them). The paper unrolls to a size of about 50 x 80 cm, which is also significantly bigger than the other two pieces; I can really use this for a bigger present, if that is the intended use.

The second one that I got are envelopes that are decorated with Pokémon images and the logo. These are envelopes which can be filled with money and given to loved ones, which is exactly their intended purpose; I recently did so for a particular acquaintance with one of these envelopes. Since the envelope is taller than it is wide, any bills that are to be inserted must be folded at least once before doing so, while coins can obviously be put in as they are. The only problem is that in my zeal, I seem to have obtained too many of these; I intended to buy only five envelopes total, but I got five packs instead, and each pack consists of eight envelopes, which amounts to 40 envelopes total. I've already given away one envelope, so perhaps it's time to give away some more.

Incidentally, last year's post (see below) concerned Pokémon paper things of a different kind, though not distantly unrelated. In fact, the paper envelopes could be construed as a Pokémon paper creation, which given the patterns, materials, and graphics, could easily be made at home. The wrapping paper could certainly be made into these. Still, even with them available, I would settle for pre-made ones so that I could focus on the "payload" rather than the "missile", if you get my drift. In any case, these two paper things are indeed a kind of "missiles" to be fitted with their respective payloads: money for the latter and presents with the former.

These paper things are fascinating in that they have Pokémon on them, which is what I like. They are particularly expressive of that, and would be so for other people as well. There are certain aspects of the specific things that I got that transcends their two-dimensionality and quality of interest. I certainly welcome the things that I just got, and perhaps so would other people that like Pokémon, especially when given them.

One year ago: Poké-Crafts Made out of Paper

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