Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Catching Up

During the time I sent in my 3DS for repair from back at the end of June to early August, I've missed out on some quality time with my 3DS, and that automatically means the Pokémon games on them as well. Now I find myself having to catch up on some of these games, which does and will involve some effort on my part. However, it's not all hard work, as I can be relaxed about some aspects as I put in intense efforts in others.

There is one game that I'm somewhat loath to catch up on, and that is Pokémon Rumble World. This is primarily due to the hobbled state of my 3DS, for which I am very concerned. To that effect, I am wary of playing high-intensity games like Rumble World on my freshly repaired 3DS. Such games are and will be better suited for a New 3DS, which I plan to get soon but perhaps not soon enough as other concerns take priority. I'm still interested in making further progress, though not at the moment.

The most captivating (action) puzzle game for me in recent memory has to be Pokémon Shuffle, and this is something I'd like to continue. Fortunately, even though I missed the special events of the several weeks where my 3DS was out of commission, my Shuffle achievements are more or less thorough, assisting in several efforts through the current special events. Even so, I still need to make way through newly added main stages and continue to check in as normal and watch for the return of the special events I missed. Special events have returned in the past before, so I'm a little unconcerned about the ones I missed. It's the new ones that are now the problem, as well as the unplayed main stages.

Perhaps the most concerning is my team-building progress in Pokémon Sun. By way of not being able to play for several weeks, I've missed out on various team-building opportunities, some of which could have been utilized for that faraway tournament, although this became moot for a different reason anyhow. Still, any team-building effort is a good effort, and now I have to somehow make this up before the onset of the Ultra games.

There is something to be said about spending good time with the newest Pokémon games, and in some sense these games really do need plenty of that. To be in the position where I have to make catch-up efforts is therefore not an extremely fun one, but I can still have fun during the process of catching up and even more afterwards. I have faith that everything will turn out fine over time.

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