Friday, August 25, 2017

Wallpaper: Ash XY Tribute Style

Recently I've wanted to have a new desktop wallpaper because it's been a long time since I've made one, and I finally just realized it. Also recently, I've been on a "new age" music kick, in particular those of Yanni, of which I have discussed one track of his four months ago in association with a Pokémon memory. So I thought I would use this inspiration to create a Pokémon wallpaper, and I managed to create something that looks pretty enough to be plastered on my desktop.

Now for some explanations. This wallpaper is a mashup of Yanni's Tribute album cover with the Pokémon anime; it could be thought of as a parody, but I prefer not to think of it that way. Instead, it really is an homage - a "tribute", if you will - as per the title of the album in question. To that effect, I changed up the text in their respective places; instead of the artist's name, I put in the name of the character shown in the center, and instead of the album title, I put in the statement "Always in My Heart". All the elements in the wallpaper echo elements present in the album cover, from the orange-yellow sky, central character focal point, and even the red and black decorative border. And for embellishment, there is the Pokémon logo with appropriate disclaimers. The text is off-center unlike in the album cover, but that is more for a balance in the composition than anything else.

Part of the tribute here is the "Always in My Heart" statement. It is well-known and somewhat of a public secret by now that the Kalos saga (sadly) ended on an anti-climactic note, yet that climax is also a pinnacle for Ash in some ways. But no matter what happens, I still think highly of Ash and his team at that point. Thus he fully deserves to be such: always in my heart. It was this recollection that fused into the memory of Yanni's album that led to the creation of this desktop wallpaper.

This is the first wallpaper creation of mine that I've divulged; typically I keep my creations for my own use, but with this blog, I have to dare myself to share what I can. In any case, the above image is only a small but still somewhat detailed preview. If enough people ask for the wallpaper so they can use it, then I'll find a way to adapt it to different resolutions and share it.

I have to say that this wallpaper turned out pretty well. I think I'll be using this one for a good long while before I can think up of another different wallpaper idea that will really drive me to change my wallpaper. It's an excellent tribute to both a strong character and an album of delightful music.

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