Wednesday, August 16, 2017

I Want to Splurge

Yesterday I was out all day to fulfill a few errands for personal goals, only one of which succeeded, and neither of which involved Pokémon. However, along the way, I did see quite a few Pokémon-related things that were quite appealing and that I could personally stand to have. In doing so, I would have been incurring one of the Four Notions, the one for "splurge". However, I stopped myself or was stopped from doing so due to a few reasons. And yet if I could I'd gladly do so.

As I've described in the other post, I do set limits on myself from incurring this notion, and this is one of those times where those limits are not to be transgressed. Under the current situation, I could be said to have already incurred this notion with something I needed to possess to keep things in continuity... actually two things, in fact, as the 3DS XL issue fits into this as well, and a future New 3DS would necessitate this notion to be incurred. The limits are also caused by pure practicality, which would "go out the door" should they be transgressed this time around. For these reasons I decided to keep myself in check.

What were those things? Let me give you a taste of them so that I may return for them one day. I saw a big - and I mean really big - Pokémon thing that if I were to get, I would have a problem carrying and transporting home, though this would be a problem that would be interesting to be able to be solved easily and cheaply. Another thing is something I already have in a different form and have no particular need for another one of only a different appearance to no effect. Yet another thing is one of potential use but is not really urgent. Lastly, I saw things in two actual gacha machines, for which I would additionally be incurring the second notion, but I couldn't because one was out of order and cannot be turned, while the other was sold out. All of these things are great to have for sure, but they are neither practical nor can be cheaply gotten at the moment.

Splurging is great when there are funds to do so and when they can be justified somehow with particular attention to practicality, at least in my view. But I cannot find much reason (yet) to justify these these splurges at the moment, especially knowing when there are a few splurges incoming that are more necessary. All the same, I still have the itch to splurge and commit to incurring this notion for a few more Pokémon things, but the occasion is just not right. It will surely be a great one when the occasion becomes just right for the notion to be incurred.

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