Friday, August 11, 2017

Cosplay Scrapbooking

I think many cosplay/Japanese events are special, especially when I come with my Pokémon cosplay. As a result, I collect a lot of mementos from cosplay events so that I could keep their memory. Of course, if I just keep them as is, they eventually pile up - and they do; I've got a drawer full of them. So instead of letting them fill that drawer cluttered as they are, I want to do something creative with them: I want to turn them into a scrapbook that chronicle my cosplay journey.

Scrapbooking is a highly creative activity that many people like to do. One of my relatives actually did it for special events and times, and I've seen the end result of this - the scrapbooks are really nice and aesthetically pleasing in the arrangement of items. I'm personally inspired to take up the style of scrapbooking as was presented by my relative in the scrapbooks that were made. However, I certainly would like to add my own personal touches, so that I could truly make them reflect what I do.

There are also a few things to consider regarding what I want to put in the scrapbooks and how I want to lay things out. For the latter, I'm certain that as I don't have enough material to make one scrapbook for every event, it would be better to confine each event to a scrapbook page, and then I can compile all the events of a year and put them in a single scrapbook. As for what to put on the pages, I'm sure that I want to put little things like entry passes and event tidbits on them, as long as they're sufficiently small to go on a page. Cosplay photos from the event is a good possibility, since my relative also puts photos on pages, and they're the most perfect reminders, if anything. Then there are also embellishments, which I will really have to be creative about. There are so many possibilities of things that I can put on the pages to consider and explore.

Since cosplay events are special, their memories are special as well by extension. It is those memories that I want to keep as special as the events, and what better way than a scrapbook of the things I brought back from the event. It's a really good way to keep memories of events alive, especially when those memories concern Pokémon cosplay, which has become my claim to fame in my cosplay journey.

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