Sunday, August 6, 2017

Cosplay: Tomodachi 2

Considering all the cosplay events that I've been to, this one has a strange personal history. As can be discerned by the title, this event is the second iteration of an event that started out only last year. It's actually the anniversary event of an out-of-town Japanese community, which is kind of unique. Not many communities hold events open to the public such as this one, so to have and to go to an event like this, and especially bring my Pokémon cosplay, is a great thing. But last year it almost didn't start that way.

Last year, I wasn't even planning on coming to this event. There was another event slated on the same day, but that event was suddenly canceled for technical reasons, yet I had already made plans to go to the canceled event. So instead I shifted gears and went to this event instead, which was fortunate because a few friends also went to the same event. That made all my efforts worthwhile and they did not go to waste. More importantly, I got to take my Pokémon cosplay to places I hadn't been before.

As for this year's edition of the event, it was better in some ways and not as better in others. It was better this year because the event was held in an open space rather than a cramped hall, but still in a shopping mall. It was not as better this year because the cosplay competitions were somewhat delayed from their scheduled time, but I can understand this since they wanted more participants in them. In any case the event was limited in scope and time - only cosplay and dance cover were included as competitions - but the lack of these items was made up by content, which indeed was spectacular enough to draw quite a crowd.

I myself decided to participate in the cosplay walk or parade, with my Ash XY costume. Now, they told me that I had up to a minute to perform on stage while it was my turn, and I tried to make the most of it. I've been told once in a different cosplay walk that I didn't fill time enough, so I also tried to make up for that. One of the ways I did so was to put down Pikachu on the floor while I acted, though this ultimately backfired as Pikachu keeled over backwards. I still thought I did good on this, considering that others only used up not even half of their allotted time, and that I tried to show off my character as much as I could. Further, the cosplay walk was split into armor and non-armor, so I didn't have to be pitted against a vastly different type of costume. Ultimately though, I didn't win as there was only one winner for every pool, and my pool had 15 entries. Tough luck.

As with the event from the previous week, interaction with other cosplayers and people was also the big thing today, even going as far as meeting a few of the same people from the previous week. Then, I also spent extended time with certain people that I met today. That cosplay allows me to do this is purely and simply wonderful. Beyond the differences in characters, approaches, and inspirations, cosplay seems to have the power to allow connections and relationships to exist. Once again, this is something that I'm only delighted that such a thing can and does happen.

For an event that has strange personal associations, it's been a truly great one. I feel like I'm a part of their community, and I'm not even a member. I'll be sure to try to come back for the third iteration if and when it happens. If anything, Pokémon cosplay is also in order too. Why not.

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