Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Historical Pokémon

Our world has been around for ages, and so many things have happened in the past that has shaped our present. The same could reasonably be expected for the world of monsters that is Pokémon. Everything that we know of this world couldn't have just come out of thin air. There has to be a characteristic history behind all the things we know and love from this world, and a rich one at that, given how modern the world appears. This history also becomes something that presents the possibility of its exploration.

Indeed, some of this history has been attempted to be explored in some ways in both game and anime forms. Pokémon Conquest attempts to do this by showing what the world could have been like in feudal times, with an enigmatic storyline to boot. In the fourth feature film or movie, there was a moment when Sammy (a.k.a. Professor Oak in the making) showed how a Poké Ball looked like in his time; heck, the entire movie is a crossing over of times. So the games and the anime can really show how Pokémon history comes alive.

Of course, there are other means by which Pokémon history may be explored. Some time ago, a series of wood block prints was released, portraying Trainers in period style and garb. This is a very strikingly illustrative manner to explore Pokémon history. It's not hard to believe that other forms of merchandise could be made to do the same; dolls could have a period style as well, and objects that reminisce the past could be made to have Pokémon connections. It seems that illustration and art play a key in many period representations of Pokémon.

Different time periods could be explored as well. There must have been other times before the world of Pokémon mechanized, so it would be fascinating to understand how this was realized and develops into the modern Pokémon world we know. Expanding on the world of Sammy above could also be a useful further insight into this process. Nothing stands alone, so exploring these precedents would show the dynamics of the Pokémon world in addition to offering fun and enjoyment.

In any case, a world as rich and modern as Pokémon must have started out and developed from somewhere as a beginning. It is these beginnings that present something intriguing to be fleshed out in further detail. It has been said that a world without a beginning is one that is unexplainable; I'd say that would be very much true for the Pokémon world as well. It too must have a history which is or would be fascinating to explore.

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