Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Stories That You Don't Know

Since when have I chased you, I wonder?
Please, just don't be surprised - 
Listen to that which I feel.
-- "Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (The Story That You Don't Know)", supercell (interpreted)

I know next to nothing about the anime for which this song is featured as an ending. But what I do know is that this song is an extremely popular piece of J-pop in any case, being featured in quite a few music games. And yet, it also encapsulates how I feel when sharing Pokémon things through this blog. My intent is so that you understand what I perceive - so that you know my stories, which you likely don't know.

I would argue that a part of these stories is the experience playing the games. Pertaining to the video game aspect, video games, including Pokémon, are often discussed in terms of their hard-and-fast tidbits, like gameplay, features, and so on. However, the ones who make all of these tidbits work are the players, and surely their experiences are different from one to another. All these experiences are hidden stories if they are not so divulged, and so it becomes my desire and intent to make mine known to others. In my view, it takes experience to know experience; I've got quite a few of these and I'll continue having them as I play the games, ready to be made known.

Of course, Pokémon is nowadays more than just games; it encompasses many other areas and many other forms. While they can involve experiences, they also involve something else: feelings. These too can remain hidden unless they are revealed. A lot of Pokémon things can incite a variety of different feelings, from merchandise that captivates the mind, to Ash's adventures in the anime. If the song I mentioned above can be considered a revelation of feelings, then this blog attempts to do the same for me and my relations to Pokémon. Like experiences, I'm prepared to show and make known many of these.

As I've mentioned in my six-month post, there is not really a point where Pokémon becomes absent from my daily happenings. However, in those daily happenings are experiences and feelings that others won't know if they remain concealed. It then becomes my task to expose them and share them with others so that they may understand and remain captivated with Pokémon. These are truly the stories that you don't know - and that is exactly what I wish to overturn, so that you do know.

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