Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Kanto Starter Keychains

I've discussed many keychains on this blog, and that is for a good reason: they are accessible and cheap, as I've mentioned in my first post about them. Yet I can think of another reason: they are in most cases are also tiny - miniature, if you will - which contributes to their accessibility. That is the case with three keychains that I found at Sunday's theme event, which I got collectively because they do belong together.

These are indeed keychains of the starter Pokémon of the Kanto region: Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. Now, they didn't actually come as a set; all three could be purchased individually. But obviously it would be more attractive to purchase them together if you're a big fan, and that is exactly what I did. And I was lucky - while there were a few of Bulbasaur and Squirtle, there was only one of Charmander, which was why I immediately purchased them. Needless to say, they were very much affordable, though I got no bonuses for buying them together.

Granted, they also look very nice. The thing I most like about them is that they're not simply two-dimensional as in the form of a flat image that is thickened somewhat. They are three-dimensional and anatomically accurate to the Pokémon, though they do appear slightly squished like a pillow. The colors are also true to their actual appearance for the most part. The only consolation is that their back side is not as good-looking as the front, but that's fine. I'm still somewhat amazed that this is the case for these keychains coming out of an indie shop.

These creature keychains speak volumes for their minute size. And why not - their appearances are pleasant and true in both color and shape, and together they're part of a very recognizable trio. Though it might be hard to expect, I'd like to see more themed Pokémon keychains such as these featuring other things from the world. If they're as well-done and accessible as these, my interest might be sufficient to obtain them for my uses.

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