Monday, October 2, 2017

Preparing for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Time goes by so fast. It seems like it was only yesterday that the next members of the main series Pokémon games were announced, and within a few weeks players will be able to reap the goodness once the games are released. It seems like many players might be preparing to play the games, and I'm one of those. I've been making a few preparations of my own so that I can welcome Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon when they come.

The most important order of business is certainly preparing the console, and I've done that to some degree. You might recall that my 3DS got messed up earlier this year, and while I did follow up in getting it repaired, it's not as perfect as it should be, and I was planning on getting a New 3DS. However, finances and other matters got away from me, and what was planned to be spent on the New 3DS got spent on other things which were even more important, especially for continuing yet other matters (yes, that includes the new phone). It seems I will have to carry on with my 3DS somehow for the time being.

Aside from the console, the other most important piece of business is making sure that I can get hold of the game. That means pre-ordering if possible, and it is. The local game shop where I pre-ordered Sun last year is allowing pre-orders for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, so I took up this offer and placed my pre-order; I chose Ultra Moon since I got Sun previously. My fellow players continue to trust the shop, so it's only right that we support it. In any case, doing this will assure that I get the game once it's released and not have other difficulties in getting it later.

Also, in a way, I had (and still have) unfinished business to take care of on my Sun game, which I started to take care of. One of those was the Mega Stone gifts, something which I had mentioned in my Mega musings. A few more codes for gift Stones were released after that time, with a lot more Stones distributed. I took care of all of those, along with the special cap Pikachu, which I got just in time. After that, that left one more unfinished business... but this will have to be discussed later when I've fully taken care of it.

It is my belief that a good experience starts with preparation, and that's what has been happening. There is a good deal of things that need to be made ready for the new Pokémon games, and by doing so for many of them, I'd say I'm somewhat prepared to reap the goodness of the upcoming games. I'm really looking forward to my copy of Ultra Moon as soon as I can retrieve it and play it. The wait is not long now.

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