Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Pokémon and Trains

I have a soft spot for trains. I've been on ones when I was young and I have found them a pleasurable experience each time. They're really great for getting from one place to another somewhat quickly while still being relatively anchored to land. What works for the real world also works for the Pokémon world, and Pokémon has its own connections to this form of land transportation. This also makes them sensible to be further connected.

The earliest instance of trains in the Pokémon world is the high-speed rail that connects Johto and Kanto, specifically from Goldenrod City to Saffron City. For the first time, two regions were connected with a distinct form of land transportation. Trains were then absent in the insular regions before returning as transportation in Unova, though this was only for within the region and not for getting around elsewhere. Train infrastructure is also present in Kalos, though not much ever came out of it - at least, not now. As in the real world, large swathes of land seem to be a determinant for the existence of trains in the Pokémon world.

It would perhaps be exciting to actually ride trains in the Pokémon world, but this is purely imaginative. It is more realistic to ride trains in the real world, but they may not necessarily have influences from Pokémon... yet they can be made to have such. To have trains or train cabs that are themed after Pokémon is not only possible but probable for inserting a bit of Pokémon influence. Such an application of Pokémon themes could be modeled after the actual Pokémon examples above; done as much as possible, this can create a totally immersive experience.

Wherever there are people separated by large amounts of land, there is the potential to connect them by trains - a potential which, in fact, is realized. This applies equally well in both the real and Pokémon worlds. It's only natural for people to move about, and if that means by trains, then so be it. It is something that I appreciate in this world for my experience, and it would also be likewise if I were in the world of the creatures of Pokémon.

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