Monday, October 16, 2017

Trainer Fashion

In the Pokémon world, there are a variety of Trainers. They all do much of the same things (raise and battle with Pokémon) as much as they do them differently. Consequently, they all also look different with different fashion, outfits, and styles, yet some particular elements of this fashion and their commonalities can be extrapolated - at least if both the games and the anime are to be believed. Regardless, this becomes a facet worthy of some consideration.

Looking at Trainers such as Ash in the anime and Red in the games, as well as their respective rivals, some fashion styles and elements can be extrapolated. A cap may be desirable for some hard-working Trainers, perhaps for much of the same reasons that cowboys wear their hats. Gloves may also be desirable because Trainers work with Poké Balls, which are held and operated using their hands. Outerwear seems to be useful both to add style and serve additional functions, one of which may be to hold things. Otherwise, aside from the prerequisite shirt and pants, any or all of these elements may be adapted to particular preferences rather than conforming simply to one style or another.

Granted, not all Trainers look the same. Trainers like Stefan (from the Unova saga in the anime) and many Elite Four members have their own distinct fashion. Stefan has a more "country person" look, and those Elite Four members wear outfits that make them have a more assuming appearance. This is perhaps something that makes them even more unique, as if their personalities are not already unique enough; it could also be considered their particular style. In a way, it affirms the flip side of things that there is no strict fashion style for all Trainers, only that which makes sense to their character.

There may or may not be something that constitutes fashion that is representative of all Trainers. There are still, however, elements that are common to a good number of Trainers and may be considered inclusive in determining fashion and styles. Personality seems to be a major determinant for what a given Trainer wears and how they exemplify that. At the least, the commonalities among them indicate that they do share the same spirit of being the best they can be with the creatures they like.

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