Friday, November 17, 2017

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Unleashed

Today is a really great day for Pokémon fans, as it is the day Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are released, or in fanciful terms, unleashed upon the wider world. Release days like this often holds many stories, and this time it seems no different. They are often enigmatic, in either adding or detracting from the experience of playing the game. But it seems that is what makes that very experience itself unique and a story worth telling, especially now that I have this blog to do so.

The story of today actually began just over a week ago when my fellow players discovered much info about the games way before the games officially came out today. This caused quite a stir among them, whether it was for the better or worse. In any case, this was most likely a side effect of the most enterprising of players getting their hands on the games even by that point, something which a fellow player showed that it in fact happened. While the concern is now behind with the games' official release, it is also lingering in that it may just happen in the future. Dealing with it is another matter entirely.

Meanwhile, a small number of my fellows have gotten or are getting the games officially on this day. This has caused all sorts of emotions, from gladness to amazement and even ire. Obviously many players are glad to be able to obtain possession of the games today, but for many of my fellows, that translates to amazement for them as they are held back from getting the games today for one reason or another. Some are even angry that this is the case, putting a hitch in their enjoyment plans. Further, the fates of my pre-order as well as those of my fellows seem to be dependent on a different issue.

I'm told that last year for Sun and Moon, a number of my fellows' pre-orders were received somewhat later, whilst my pre-order for Sun was received much later, though in my case it was partially because I am distanced from the economic hub where everything gets received. There is reason to believe that this may be because of customs clearance; in recent times, customs have gotten more stringent on checking what goes in, and it may not be hard to believe that our games will be checked with greater scrutiny. It's a hassle, but we'll have to put up with it.

Regardless of whatever happens, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are here and now. All the times of waiting since the first announcement five months ago have paid off in what seems to be an excellently designed game to cap off a wondrous run on the 3DS. The stories that run alongside it, even on its release day as today, only augment the wonder of the games. I'm excited to play the game whenever it comes my way.

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