Thursday, February 15, 2018

A Break in the Action

I was going to post something quite special today (certainly, still Pokémon-related), but then something happened just hours before that dropped my spirits and those of some of my closest friends. Out of respect, I've decided to deal with it by delaying my thing by a day, and I feel that this is a good thing; dealing with this serves as "a break in the action". Yet with that considered, I also feel that as much as other things provide a break from Pokémon, Pokémon also provides a break from other things. And thus the relationship goes both ways.

So of course other things go on besides Pokémon in my life. Though by and large a great deal of my life is directed to Pokémon, there are other things that I do, like certain other things I play and certain other things I enjoy. And then things just happen the way they do as above. Every so often I (have to) partake in them, and they effectively become a respite from Pokémon; when I come back to Pokémon, I'm refreshed and ready to do other things. When other things catch or demand my attention to do them, I consider them as my break before I do other Pokémon things.

On the other hand, there are times when I recognize things have gone on for an extended period of time, and that's when something Pokémon helps to provide the break. I can play the games or do whatever it is I need to do, and that clears my mind for the other things as they go on. With this effort and the effort above, I'm essentially keeping a balance between Pokémon and other things; Pokémon still represents the core or essential things that I do, but there's still room for other, more pertinent things as they occur and I shift back and forth between them.

I'm very glad to have Pokémon and do things with it; it's something that's been powerfully inspiring in my life. At the same time, life goes on, and I want to or have to do other things to support life itself as well as Pokémon. One of those things is dealing with what had just happened, which is not only desirable but also borders on necessary. I take it as a pause or a break for my Pokémon things, and now that it has transpired, I'm ready to continue with my Pokémon thing, and other life and Pokémon things. At least, I can still count on either things to become "breaks in the action" for the other ones.

One year ago: Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Partners Figure - Satoshi

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