Monday, February 12, 2018

Anywhere Is

You go there you're gone forever 
I go there I'll lose my way 
If we stay here we're not together 
Anywhere is...
-- "Anywhere Is", Enya

So many songs talk about journeys, and this one is no different. I've discussed another song that belongs to Enya previously, and I can say that many of them applies as much to my Pokémon experiences as they do to my spiritual perceptions. That's exactly the case when I was out and about some time ago with some Pokémon business, which in part does involve Go in addition to other things. This prompted me to think about this very song and the way I go through my Pokémon business.

If the previous song I discussed is on the whole about the overall journey, then this song would be about the little directions that make up the journey. Based on the song, there are many directions and steps that I could take my life, and likewise, the same applies to others taking up the journey of life. This is a deep reckoning, but it really is true - all my life and all of others' lives are really just the consummate of all the directions and steps we choose to or are led to take.

And of course, my directions and steps involve Pokémon. Most recently, I'm finding that I'm steered into different directions as I'm playing Go, as I'm taking detours that I don't often make in the pursuit of more Pokémon, or at least preparations for that. Fresh off a certain tournament for the main series and certain challenges in Shuffle, I've been led to take certain actions that I don't normally do, though the later fruitfulness of these actions may be an open question. I've even prepared something special that is Pokémon-related, but this too has led me to yet more unusual directions - I will divulge more on this when the time is right.

Enya herself has stated that her songs are open to interpretation, including this one. In fact, here's what she said in commenting on this song:

"Anywhere is: well, it is, isn't it?"

I'll accept that. I'm anywhere and everywhere with Pokémon, and we'll move our ways yet still together, as the refrain above suggests. I'm spiritually and experientially pleased any which way that has Pokémon in my journey.

One year ago: My Essential Pokémon Cosplay Equipment

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